Tuesday 9 September 2014

9/9/14 Still waiting to start work

I feel like there's not much to tell you about as my placement at the health centre in Wakiso has not yet been organised. I am waiting for clearance to go and observe there. They tell me it is a sensitive situation what ever that means? This morning I had an email stating the program I will follow, as usual it is very scanty information but basically I will be picked up to start work for 9am tomorrow, only 4 days after my arrival!  Sister Betty will be ready to receive me and is happy to continue the good work done by  the volunteers who preceded me. Hope I live up to her expectations.

So what have Ann and me been up to today :- Well we decided to venture out of the hotel as it was beginning to feel like a prison. We located a driver Godfrey and he took us into town and dropped us of near to a craft market. Had a nice wonder around there bought a unusual metal basket thing made out of recycled coke bottle tops and some post cards. Had lunch in town before coming back to the hotel.
We have organised ourselves a trip out on the Gulu road about 3 hours away to a Rhino Sanctuary called Ziwa. Its home to Uganda's only rhinos. They are wild and protected in the sanctuary and we should be able to track the 9 rhinos on foot through the Savannah and swamps with a guide sounds really good so fingers crossed it all works out.

Hopefully the next instalment will be about the health centre 

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