Monday 27 October 2014

garden party donations and care provided thanks to Queens Maternity staff

Before I left on my trip to Uganda the maternity staff at Queens hospital Burton on Trent had a garden party and made donations. The money raised by them I used to buy equipment to take out to the clinics in Uganda and also we raised enough money to be able to pay for 3 women to have complete maternity care. From booking, antenatal care, ultra sound scans, blood tests, labour and delivery care and postnatal care for the 1st 24hrs for mother and baby.

  These are 2 of the Ugandan women who are receiving the care.
On the left is Carol. This is Carol's fourth pregnancy but she only has two live children. Her last pregnancy was a twin pregnancy but sadly both babies were lost before birth. This pregnancy is again twins. The due date is 25/3/15. Carol is receiving her care at Maama Maria's maternity Centre where she has had ultra sound scans to ensure these babies are growing well.
On the right is Molly who is 35 years old and already has 5 children who she supports alone, earning a living making bricks. When I was in Uganda Molly's baby was almost due. I am waiting to hear the outcome of Molly's pregnancy and will post some photos when I receive them. This is the 1st time Molly has had care from a professional during her pregnancies all her other children have been born in her home, which is a tiny wooden building with just an earth floor and no running water.
The 3rd women is called Betty and she also had twins they were born at 34 weeks, which was a problem for the midwives at Maama maria's as Betty was suppose to be transfered to the main hospital because the babies were premature but Betty refused to go. She arrived at the centre already 8cm dilated and both babies were breech. The 1st a boy was delivered by a midwife the 2nd a girl 20 minutes later a doctor was present. Both mother and babies are doing well.

All three women send a big THANK-YOU to everyone at Queens.